
心理学入門書「ヒルガードの心理学」の章末要約(chapter summary)を日本語訳します。大学受験に向けて英語を勉強している方、心理学の勉強をしてみたい方に向けて、やさしい日本語訳を目指します。このブログは筆者の翻訳、要約であり市販されている本の転載ではありません。市販品はこちらです。

1.psychology is the ~


psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process.



2.The roots of〜


The root of psychology can be trace to the 4th and 5th centuries B.C.The Greek Philosopher Socrates,Plato,and Aristotle posed fundamental questions about the mind, and Hippocrates,the "father of medicine," made many important observation about how the brain controlled other organs.One of the earliest debates about human psychology focused on the question of whether human capabilities are inborn(the nature view) or acquired through experience(nurture view).   



3.Scientific psychology is〜


Scientific psychology was born in the late 19th century with the idea that mind and behavior could be the subject of scientific analysis.The first experimental laboratory in psychology was established by Wilhelm Wundt at the university of Leipzig in 1879.



4.Among the early 〜


Among the early "schools" of psychology in the 20th century were structuralism(the analysis of mental structure ),functionalism(study how the mind works so that an organism can adapt to and function in its environment),behaviorism(the study of behavior without reference to consciousness),Gestalt psychology(which focuses on the patterns formed by stimuli and on the organization of experience) and psychoanalysis(which emphasizes the role of unconscious processes in personality development and motivation).



so that 主語 can 「主語が〜できるように」

5.Later developments in 〜


Later developments in 20th-century psychology included information-processing theory, psycholinguistics, and neuropsychology.



・processing 「処理、加工」processing food 「加工食品」

6.The study of psychology 〜


The study of psychology can be approached several perspectives. The biological perspective relates actions to events taking place inside the body, particularly the brain and nervous system. the behavioral perspective consider only external activities that can be observed and measured.The cognitive perspective is concern with mental processes, such as perceiving, remembering, reasoning, deciding, and problem solving and with relating these processes to behavior. The psychoanalytic perspective emphasizes unconscious motives stemming from sexual and aggressive impulses.The subjectivist perspective focus on how people activity construct and interpret their social worlds, which is expected to vary by culture, personal history, and current motivational state.A particular topic often can be analyzed from more than one of these perspective.



7.The biological perspective differs from 〜


The biological perspective differs from the other viewpoints in that its principles are partly drawn from biology. Often, biological principles in term of biological ones; this is known as reductionism. Behavioral phenomena are increasingly being understood at both the biological and psychological levels. 



8.Among the major sub field 〜


Among the major sub field of psychology are biological psychology, experimental psychology, developmental psychology, social and personality psychology, clinical and counseling psychology, school and educational psychology, and industrial and engineering psychology.  Many new area of inquiry gaining momentum in 21st-century psychology span traditional subfields and disciplines. these new areas include cognitive neuroscience (as well as affective and social cognitive neuroscience ), evolutionary psychology, cultural psychology, and positive psychology. 



9.Doing psychological research 〜


Doing psychological research involves generating a hypothesis and then testing it by using a scientific method.When applicable, the experimental method is preferred because it seeks to control all variables except the ones being studied and thus test hypotheses about cause and effect. The independent variable is the one that is manipulated by experimenter; the dependent variable (usually some measure of the participant's behavior) is the one being studied to determine whether it is affected by changes in independent variable. In a simple experimental design, the experimenter manipulates one independent variable and observes its effect on one dependent variable. An essential element of experimental design is the random assignment of participants to experimental group and control group.



10.In many experiment 〜


In many experiment variable is something that is either present or absent. The simplest experimental design includes an experimental group (with the hypothesized cause present for one group of participants ) and a control group (with the hypothesized cause absent for another group of participants).If the manipulation of the independent variable result in a statistically significant difference in dependent variables between the experimental and control group, we know that the experimental condition had a reliable effect, and the difference is not due to chance factors or a few extreme case.



11.In situation in which 〜


In situation in which experiments are not feasible, the correlational method may be used. this method determines whether a naturally occurring difference is associated with another difference of interest. The degree of correlation between two variables is measured by the correlation coefficient, r, a number between -1.00 and +1.00. The absence of any relationship is indicated by 0; a perfect relationship is indicated by 1. As r goes from 0 to 1, the strength of the relationship increases . The correlation coefficient can be positive or negative.


実験が不可能な状況では、相関法を使用することができます。この方法は、自然に発生する差異が別の関心のある差異に関連付けられているかどうかを判別します。2つの変数間の相関は、相関係数r(-1.00〜 + 1.00の数値)によって測定されます。関係がない場合は0で示されます。完全な関係は1で示されます。rが0から1になると、関係の強さが増加します。相関係数は正または負になります。
