
心理学入門書「ヒルガードの心理学」の章末要約(chapter summary)を日本語訳します。大学受験に向けて英語を勉強している方、心理学の勉強をしてみたい方に向けて、やさしい日本語訳を目指します。このブログは筆者の翻訳、要約であり市販されている本の転載ではありません。市販品はこちらです。

1.The basic unit of the nervous system is specialized


The basic unit of the nervous system is specialized type of called a neuron. Projecting from the cell body of a neuron are short branches called dendrites and a slender tubelike extension called the axon. Stimulation of the dendrites and cell body leads to a neural impulse that travels down the length of the axon. Sensory neurons transmits signals from sense organs to the brain and spinal cord; motor neurons transmit signals from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands. a nerve is bundle of elongated axons belonging to hundreds or neurons. 



2. A stimulus moves along a neuron as an electrochemical impulse


A stimulus moves along a neuron as an electrochemical impulse that travels from the dendrites to the end of the axon. The traveling impulse, or action potential, is caused by depolarization, an electrochemical process in which the voltage across cell mechanisms is charged at successive points along the neuron.  


